We help Corporate Innovation Teams improve enterprise value by creating reliable systems that produce increases in revenue, profitability and market share.
Membership in our collaboration provides connectivity to innovation peers and a comprehensive set of tools that help organizations bring a continual stream of fresh, new innovations to market. The foundation of our group is the peer connections made at our gatherings and are amplified by a set of innovation practices sourced from top corporate innovators.
The most critical component of our collaboration is our work sessions and small innovation development sessions. They establish the necessary connective tissues and relationships that enable our working group to thrive.
Through a private Membership, Corporate Innovation Teams have access to seasoned advisors who have repeatedly brought new innovations to market and now they work to help others do the same.
Strengthened by access to a set of world-class Corporate Innovation Practices, our Members use the most up to date, relevant and impactful tools to drive their innovation efforts. We work with partners and collaborators to deliver certifications, trainings and credentials that enable our members to remain competitive and ahead of their competition.
Bringing new products, services and business models to market demands collaboration. That's why we provide connectivity to a global group of innovation executives ready and willing to explore new business opportunities and joint ventures. We've developed a set of services each of our Members have access to, and share, to guide their new innovations from 'cocktail napkin to market success'.
Our agile and collaborative model provides our Members the flexibility, speed and access that our global, computer-driven, competitive marketplace demands. We look forward to exploring the possibility of working with and collaborating with your Corporate Innovation Team.
Our collaboration is designed to empower your organization and outfit them with all the resources needed to produce a continual stream of fresh, new and impactful innovations.
We offer Memberships in our working group that meet corporate innovation teams where they are.